Un soldat hollandais tué et 5 blessés en Afghanistan
The Netherlands' defense chief said Monday that one soldier has been killed and five others injured during a rocket attack on a Dutch army base in Afghanistan. Gen. Peter van Uhm said at a press conference in The Hague that 20-year-old Azdin Chadli was killed in the attack, which also wounded two Afghan soldiers.
AGENDA - Apres Midi du Livre des Ecrivains Combattants PARIS
Association Nationale de Soutien à nos Soldats en Opération (ANSSO) | Association loi 1901 déposée en préfecture du Rhône le 22 septembre 2008 n°W691071937
contact@soldatsdefrance.fr | Le Naodiss - 472 rue Thimonnier - 69530 BRIGNAIS |