Soldats de France - Association Nationale de Soutien à nos Soldats en Opération (ANSSO)

Un soldat hollandais tué et 5 blessés en Afghanistan

The Netherlands' defense chief said Monday that one soldier has been killed and five others injured during a rocket attack on a Dutch army base in Afghanistan. Gen. Peter van Uhm said at a press conference in The Hague that 20-year-old Azdin Chadli was killed in the attack, which also wounded two Afghan soldiers.
Chadli, the 19th Dutch fatality in Afghanistan, had arrived just a week earlier, Van Uhm said. The attack took place at Camp Holland, the Dutch headquarters in the country. Two of the wounded in critical condition were moved to Kandahar for treatment. (AP)

Un soldat hollandais tué et 5 blessés en Afghanistan