Soldats de France - Association Nationale de Soutien à nos Soldats en Opération (ANSSO)

Afghanistan : A Royal Marine from UK Landing Force Command Support Group killed

It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that a Royal Marine from UK Landing Force Command Support Group (UKLF CSG), operating as part of 45 Commando Royal Marines was killed as a result of an explosion on the morning of 11 January 2009 in the Kajaki area of Helmand province.

Afghanistan : A Royal Marine from UK Landing Force Command Support Group killed
He was taking part in a routine reassurance patrol when the explosion occurred. He received immediate medical attention at the scene but sadly died of his wounds.

L'ANSSO assure l'ensemble du contingent britannique présent en Afghanistan de son entière sympathie et s'associe à la douleur de la famille et des proches de la victime.

Source : MoD UK

Afghanistan : A Royal Marine from UK Landing Force Command Support Group killed